TP | - | M# | SER | - | BLK | - | MF | SERIAL # |
AF |
BG |
BS |
B |
- |
24 |
D |
- |
25 | - |
CO |
41-24308 |
14 |
308 |
375 |
~ |
~ | 00-3 | N/A |
Port (Left) Side
Contributor -
Jack Gross
Theater Commander, Gen. Joseph Stillwell
is at the left, standing by the nose. Gen. Claire Chennault, Commander 14th AF
is third from left. Gen. Edgar Glenn, Chief of Staff 14th AF is fourth from
left. Lt. Arthur Karp, Pilot, is standing at right. The nose of the B-24 is
resting on wooden supports.
On 8 July 43, elements of the 425th BS departed Kunming to raid shipping in
Haiphong harbor. As MUD FISH was getting off the
ground, another B-24 drifted into its path in a crosswind. The Pilot, Lt. Arthur
Karp, veered to the side and his nose wheel struck a large concrete paving
roller, knocking it out of one socket, dangling in the slipstream. Stories vary
about where the wheel dropped - one version has it falling off or being kicked
off over the target with a salvo of bombs (unlikely); another is that, after
dropping the bombs on target, the Flight Engineer, Sgt. Brainard Ferguson, beat
it with an axe until it fell away. Lt. Karp was commended for a smooth,
two-wheeled, tail-low landing. The aircraft was repaired and returned to duty.
It was eventually condemned 27 Mar 44.
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Copyright © 1997 B-24
Best Web. Published on Veterans Day 11/11/97. Last