TP | - | M# | SER | - | BLK | - | MF | SERIAL # |
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24 |
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CF | 41-29503 | 15 | 485 | 829 | ~ | Y | 00-2 | FRANCIS C. LOZITO |
Starboard (Right) Side - Nose Art Inspiration - ALBERTO
Contributor -
Nan Lozito Rosenberg
My Father, Francis C. Lozito, was the Pilot.
Info Contributor -
Clayton A. Wheeler, Jr.
My Uncle, William H. Donovan
was the Bombardier, stationed at Venosa Air Field, Italy. Shot
down 10 Aug 44 in Yugoslavia after a bombing run on the oil field in Ploesti,
Romania. All crew members survived and was found by Yugoslavian Partisans, who
hid them from the Germany army. The Partisans treated their injuries, and
protected them for several days. A C-47 plane flew to a grass field and picked
them up and flew them back to Bari, Italy. Most of the crew was hospitalized for
several days and most return to the 829th to fly more missions.
S/Sgt Yeager, Forest L. - Ball Turret Gunner S/Sgt Robinson, Kenneth E. - Engineer Sgt West, Thomas H. - Nose Gunner Sgt Salazar, Richard M., Jr. - Tail Gunner Sgt Culver, Billy R. - Waist Gunner |
2nd Lt Manderscheid, Clifford J. - Navigator 2nd Lt Hall, Elmer B. - Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Lozito, Francis C. - Pilot 2nd Lt Donovan, William H. - Bombardier T/Sgt Helms, Edger J., Jr. - Radio Operator |
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Best Web. Published on Veterans Day 11/11/97. Last