TP | - | M# | SER | - | BLK | - | MF | SERIAL # |
AF |
BG |
BS |
"367" |
B |
- |
24 |
D | - |
- | - |
CO | 40-2367 | 11 | 28 | 404 | ~ | 01-5 |
N/A |
Port (Left) Side
Contributor - Brendan Wood
Info Contributor -
Rhodes F. Arnold
Belly-landed at Bechevin Bay 9 Dec 42 -
Pilot John Andrews
Info Contributor -
From the Accident Report 9 Dec 1942: In
another attempt to bomb Kiska, the Eleventh Air Force launched a B-24D, 40-2367,
from the 404th Bombardment Squadron flown by Capts John Andrews and Louis Blau
on a preliminary weather reconnaissance mission. Brig Gen William Lynch, the
Army Air Forces Inspector General, and Col John V. Hart, Chief of Staff,
Eleventh Air Force, were aboard as mission observers. General Arnold had sent
General Lynch to the Aleutians after hearing reports about the weather and its
impact on missions. Captains Andrew and Blau flew their bomber to Attu, circled
over Hotz Bay and then headed back to Adak, arriving there at 1600. They found
the field obscured by clouds, which also hid the alternate fields as far away as
Cold Bay. After three attempts to land at Adak, they flew to nearby Atka Islands
where the weather station there had reported clear conditions. Since the field
there was not ready, they flew around the island looking for a flat place to
land. Spotting a flat area at the head of Bechevin Bay, they made a wheels up
landing after a low-level approach across the bay. Other than General Lynch, who
had a cracked collar, no one was injured. The B-24 broke in two just behind the
wing trailing edge. Everyone had moved forward prior to landing, which prevented
their possible injury. The crew spent the night at the crash landing site. A
B-24 from the 21st Bombardment Squadron arrived over the site the next day
followed by another from the 404th Bombardment Squadron. Supplies including
sleeping bags were dropped. A PBY crew from Fleet Air Wing Four arrived shortly
afterwards. It could not take off with the crew because of the weight. The
seaplane tender Gillis (AVD-12) arrived later that evening and evacuated the
crew, who were given Christmas leave. The B-24 was abandoned.
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